Yearning For Simplicity
This is a beautifully written book about living a more simple life. If you have ever been interested in living a simpler life, this is the only book you will ever need to read to learn how. It teaches the reason behind why the simpler way is the best way on the topics listed below, which covers just about everything each person deals with in life.
This book is a very old book that I have re-written, actually just slightly edited to be easier to read for today’s reader. I only changed individual words to be more familiar, changed a few out-dated examples to more modern ones, and changed the all masculine style to gender-neutral. But I kept all the same wording and meanings.
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CONTENTS (Subjects):
Our Complex Life
The Essence of Simplicity
An excerpt:
“When one passes in review the individual causes that disturb and complicate our social life, by whatever names they are designated, and their list would be long, they all lead back to one general cause, which is this: the confusion of the secondary with the essential. Material comfort, education, liberty the whole of civilization— these things constitute the frame of the picture; but the frame no more makes the picture than the frock the monk or the uniform the soldier. Here the picture is us, and we with our most intimate possessions—namely, our conscience, our character and our will. And while we have been elaborating and garnishing the frame, we have forgotten, neglected, disfigured the picture. Thus we are loaded with external good, and miserable in spiritual life; we have in abundance that which, if must be, we can go without, and are infinitely poor in the one thing needful. And when the depth of our being is stirred, with its need of loving, aspiring, fulfilling its destiny, it feels the anguish of one buried alive—is smothered under the mass of secondary things that weigh it down and deprive it of light and air.”