I just heard a news story where they said that 88% of people surveyed said that they had never been taught financial literacy in school. I thought that was interesting, because your income never exceeds your ability to spend it.
Your brain is a problem-solving machine. When you get a little more money, your brain, being the problem-solving machine that it is, will figure out ways to spend that money almost unconsciously. That’s why you can never get ahead – your your brain is wired to figure out ways to spend this new money. That’s why you have to make saving money a rule that you consciously follow rather than a plan.
Manage the money that comes your way now.
My book, Understanding Money, teaches you is how to manage that 85% that you’re allowed to spend, so that you can save the other 15%. The key is managing the money that comes your way right now – not earning more money. Earning more money is not the answer.
We all want to be independent. We start out as children who are dependent on their parents, but as adults we don’t want to be dependent on anyone or anything. Achieving independence happens through our pursuit of happiness – and the money that we get should be giving us the maximum amount of happiness possible.
An emergency fund comes first.
When it comes to saving, you’ll need to start by building an emergency fund. Emergencies always come up, and you need to have money there in your savings to handle it.
It’s also important that we learn to prioritize our spending. Essentials always come first – those are the things that are essential for life, like food and shelter.
It’s important that you achieve your money goals in order. The first thing to achieve financially before anything else is solvency. This is the ability to pay your bills without going into debt. Only after that you can think about achieving security and then success.
Life needs purpose.
It’s important to have a purpose in life. We’re not here just to consume – we’re here to achieve things, to bear fruit, to make our mark on the world. My book includes a series of exercises to help you identify your purpose. There are tests that you can take as well as instructions on how to set the long-term goals for your life.